Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Need For Variety

            I have practiced yoga for the better part of 15 years.  People ask me if I practice every day and the answer is pretty much yes.  But what most people don't know is about 6 years ago, I hit a pretty severe wall, and went about two years without practicing.
            The wall came on gradually.  It started one day where after I finished practice, I felt significantly worse than I did before I started.   For many months this was hit or miss, some days I felt great after, and some days I felt worse.  And then the frequency increased, and then it increased again until it reached a place where my practice was becoming detrimental to my life.  So, I did the hardest thing possible for a yogi to do.......I let go of my practice.  And I did more than that.   I started cursing yoga, speaking badly of it,  and did my best to just be a "normal" person. 
            After a couple years away, I gradually came back to the practice......... Scared, skeptical,  apprehensive and curious.  A couple months in, I read something that was very powerful for me... "If you are not feeling better after your practice, you are doing something wrong!"  That really struck a cord.  Maybe there was something wrong with my practice.  Maybe my vision was great enough.  And maybe I can learn and re-open to yoga in a way that it can once again be my most trusted companion.
           Why do I say all this today?  Because for the last 3 weeks I have been struggling with a sinus infection and have needed to greatly manipulate my practice around that.  When you can't breathe and have only a very limited source of energy, you better use the energy you have wisely or pay the consequence later.   The last three days I have practiced two very intelligently sequenced ( by Geeta Iyengar) restorative days and today, I did the menstual sequence.   Yup, one of the sequences given to women in Iyengar yoga when they are on their cycle.  I found it to be a wonderful practice, easy to do, and incredibly restorative and energizing to my kidneys.  And, after I was done, I felt great.  Like there was no sickness at all and I was full power again.  I felt very grateful. 
           It has been a journey for me, but I have learned how to adapt my practice to my needs of the given day.  And, as we all know, each day is different.  Some days we are energized, some days we are drained, some days the body hurts, and some days it doesn't.   The trick is listening closely and knowing which tool you need to use in a given moment.   Constructing this beautiful masterpiece each day is no easy task.  
          If you're confused on how to start a home practice, don't know what to do, etc, talk to your teacher.  We are all here to help.  And remember, as Manouso has often imparted,  "Your asana's are here to serve you, not you to serve them."  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Courage and Boredom

             I struggle with boredom.  I have been practicing yoga most every day for 15 years and let me tell you, unless you got one of these seriously inquisitive minds like Iyengar, this shit can get dull and boring!  Its been suggested to me on a couple occasions that if "you're bored, you're boring."  Yeah, I guess that's true, but my struggle with the practice is something more than that.  My struggle comes because I am fearful of challenging myself.
             My body is strong.  Like I said, I've been practicing most everyday for 15 years.  But just because my body is strong, and I have never had a problem with discipline, doesn't mean that I experience the level of courage needed to fully succeed as the hero on this yogic path.  In some ways I do, and in many ways, I don't.  This is not a self deprecating statement in any way.  Its an awareness and acceptance of a mind state in myself that I don't want to accept.  And in and of itself, the awareness itself is courage.
            I admitted this to my yoga community yesterday and got really good advice and feedback from one of my teachers.  She gave me assymetrical backbends and a variation of headstand I rarely do that I have to hold for time (5 plus minutes).  Its funny what happened inside me though.  Its the same thing that happened over a year ago when my main teacher, Manouso Manos, told me to do timed forward bends 2x/week.  I realized, "Yes, that's what I've been wanting to do for some time!  That's what my body has been screaming to me for!"  It was like an awakening, and so today, at 6am, I began.
            Today's practice was one of the most fun home practices I've had in a while.  I could list what I did, and maybe I will, but the truth of what happened is that I listened way deeper to that inner voice that said, "I want you do to this, and its not going to be easy, and you're not used to doing it, but if you do it, if you give me the attention I am asking for,  I will reward you in all the ways you are craving!!"  Today I did it.  And today I felt fulfilled.
              My body needs to be challenged.  I derive so much joy from that.  And I am scared to challenge my body.....or perhaps I am just a bit lazy at challenging my body.  But in doing it, in accepting the parts of me that don't listen, in then listening, and especially in getting support from my community, I am able to find re-invent myself and bring the joy back to practice and to the rest of my life.
             Now its your turn!  Go and do that thing you've been wanting to do but have been putting off for whatever your reason may be!  It'll bring you joy.......or at least some sense of relief.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Yogic Land of Bali

I am in Yoga bliss.  Actually, I am in Bali bliss.  Last year I was in Ubud for two weeks and I missed the majesty that is this place.  This year.......I am here.

I took two yoga classes today and also did my own practice early this morning.  Combined, it comes out to 5 hours of yoga.  Just the right amount for a great day!!  Two days ago I taught my first class here and twenty minutes into class I was overwhelmed with joy and just felt, "Yes! this is what I am meant to do!"  My students were all avid yogis.  They were interested in what I was teaching.  They asked questions when they didn't get it.  And they all had a relatively decent ability.  I had two other teachers in the class.  They were humble, not egoistic, listened to what I said and all expressed appreciation.  It was such a fulfilling class.

And today, I took a vinyasa class, sweat my ass off, went and did three bodywork sessions and then took an Iyengar class.  The Iyengar teacher holds a relatively high certification and he was NOWHERE near the level of understanding and command that Manouso is.  I feel even more grateful to have Manouso as my teacher now.

Ubud is amazing!  From the outside, it is just another small touristy city.  From the inside, it is FILLED with organic restaurants, fresh vegetable juices, three amazing yoga shala's (one that I am teaching at), really beautiful people and a really high consciousness.  At any moment you can sit down for a meal and meet your new best friend.  I really like it here.  It feels right.

Tomorrow and Monday I get to teach again.  I'm super excited.  Opportunities are abound.  I've even been asked to come to Tokyo and do bodywork with two different dance groups.  I hope to make it happen in the next year.  The people receiving my work are so grateful!  The combination of Body Tuning and NKT are blowing these yogis minds.  And their blown minds and undying appreciation is the greatest nourishment for my soul.

I guess I am still coming back to America on the 7th of June.   Responsibilities and such.  But this life is grand.  It suits me well.  I look forward to coming back......And to my next two weeks here!  AUM

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Your Left Hip Is Not Tight

I have made it to Bali and right now I am sitting on my couch in the house I am renting in Ubud.  I had no idea what I was stepping into when I agreed to this, but I am seriously in a little slice of paradise.  Surrounded by rice paddies and coconut trees, I have a private pool, living room, huge bedroom, huge outdoor bathroom, full kitchen with blender and wheat grass juicer, and yes.....the hammock is up.  I seriously couldn't be happier.

Tomorrow I will teach my first public yoga class overseas.  And as that legendary Khazikstani once said, "I very excite!"  The weather is warm and there is a nice breeze in the air.  I may not be able to leave.

There is something magical about practicing yoga in foreign lands.  I always feel like I am living my purpose when I am doing this.  Today's practice was especially sweet, overlooking the rice paddies and egrits in the fields.  Towards the end of the practice, I entered into Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (pigeon pose).   This is a pose that has always been much easier on my right side than my left, but today when I practiced it, instead of trying to get my left hip to release, which I have done for 15 years now with very little success, I started opening my right psoas instead.  The results were magical.  My left hip released, my lower back lengthened and I hit the pose like I have never done in my life.  Full right angle with my left leg, extended and lifted thorax,  puffy chest like the king pigeon. It was very very insightful. 

Things are so often not quite what they seem.  We get stuck, we only see one way out, and often it feels like we are a hamster in a cage.  I know this has been my experience a lot, especially when I get negative and start beating myself up.  But there's always different perspectives and different avenues for insight.  We just have to be open to them.

Enjoy your lives, people!  Celebrate the beauty you experience and when you suffer, feel stuck, etc., remember to soften, listen to your body, be courageous......There is truly a great wisdom there.  

Saturday, April 21, 2012



              I have been trying out some new things lately, opening deeper to the potentials of life.  This morning, when I woke up and went to the mat, I felt a sense of boredom with my practice that is all too familiar.  I needed something fresh, something new,  and was determined to create that.   Instead of just going through some routine, I picked up "Light On Yoga" opened to a random page and dedicated my practice to performing the Asana I chose.  OH, big mistake!!  Well, not really.   I  opened to a pose named Kasyapasana (Kas-Yap-Asana), a pose I have never done before and one I thought I would be able to accomplish easily. 
   Kasyapasana  (see picture below) is pretty much a combination of Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana and Vasistasana, two poses I am relatively competent at. 

             I warmed up mightily over about a 60 minute period, doing some sun salutations, headstand, and the aforementioned poses.  When it came time to perform Kasyapasana, I felt pretty confident.......that is, until I actually tried it.   I couldn't grab my foot, my balance was way off and I'm pretty sure I woke up my neighbor with the massive thump that took place the 3 times I fell out of the pose!!  It was really quite comical.  And in that, I learned my lesson for the day.  I wasn't upset, dejected, self critical or partaking of any negative emotions.  I fell, I tried, I "failed" and I enjoyed.  If only I/We could have that outlook on all things we encounter.....How much easier life would be!!
             So my reminder to you today is to explore, branch out, remember more of who you are and enjoy the journey, no matter how many times you fall.

   This morning's practice 
Ado Mukha Virasana
Surya Namaskar 20-25 mins
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana 
Ado Mukha Svanasana


Supta Dandasana (with block and blankets)
Paryankasana with Block

Salamba Sarvangasana II

